Michele Bachmann Says Praying and Fasting Led the FBI to Anthony Weiner's Laptop


And she would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those praying and fasting kids!

Was the sexting scandal that allegedly involved former Congressman Anthony Weiner and a 15-year-old girl all part of God's plan to bring Hillary Clinton's run for the White House down?

According to former US Rep. from Minnesota Michele Bachmann, 'you betcha."

According to Bachmann, the Almighty had a hand in the FBI finding thousands of emails on Weiner's laptop, some of which potentially relate to Clinton's use of a private email server.

"I think so many people have been praying and fasting and I think God is revealing the hidden things and the hidden motives at this crucial point so people can understand truth," Bachmann said. "I think God has His way. He has His ability to reveal truth and the truth is a glaring spotlight where the general population can see this and they can make their voice known at the ballot box next Tuesday."

H/T - Right Wing Watch

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