Bachmann Warns Clinton Presidency Will Increase Sexual Assaults on Christian Women


One of the more annoying (or depending on your sense of humor, entertaining) aspects of the Trump candidacy has been the re-emergence of former US Rep. Michele Bachmann on the political stage.

From her early assertions that "God raised up" Trump to be president, to her recent shrugging off of his now infamous "Grab 'em by the pussy" comment, Bachmann has been a stalwart supporter of the GOP nominee's White House run.

But now, with Trump's support eroding in the wake of the "Pussygate" scandal, Bachmann, who serves on his "spiritual advisory committee," is firing at the Clinton campaign. She alleges that if Hillary Clinton is elected, Christian women will become the increasing targets of sexual assault.

Speaking on the American Pastors Network's "Stand in the Gap" radio program with former GOP lawmaker Sam Rohrer on Tuesday, Bachmann dismissed a Daily Beast article that reported on Donald Trump's long history of sexism as an attempt by billionaire democratic cash machine George Soros to divide evangelicals.

According to Bachmann, although Trump made crude remarks about women, Bill Clinton "never paid the price for "criminally assault(ing) women." Bachman warned that a Hillary Clinton presidency would "set a standard in this country that will lead to even more sexual assaults against women because she will be setting an anti-biblical agenda."

"This is an effort by Hillary Clinton supporters and George Soros, through Sojourners and other so-called Christian organizations, to divide us," Bachmann told Rohrer. "These are lies and we, as Christians, need to recognize that this is a lie and a deception and we need to wake up and resist these lies."

H/T Right Wing Watch

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