Source: AP

Poll Says Trump May Be One of the Worst US Presidents in History


Move over, Warren G. Harding. Trump may end up taking your distinction as the worst U.S. President ever.

Barely nine months on the job and the majority of Americans are calling the Trump presidency a dud. So much so, that according to results from a recent Marist poll, nearly six in ten Americans, 58 percent, believe that the billionaire former reality TV star will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in the nation's history.

"Deep into his first year as president, Donald Trump's less than stellar approval rating has lowered expectations about how history will judge him," says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. "For history to treat him kinder, he will have to up his game."

And by "up his game," Miringoff means a lot. The Marist poll also found that while 42 percent found Trump to be an average leader, only 19 percent thought him to be worthy of being called above average. The number of Trump's stalwart fans are slim with only 7 percent calling him "one of the best" presidents in U.S. history.

And while Trump's cries of "fake news" are a continuing theme on his Twitter account, the poll found that nearly two-thirds of Americans, 65 percent, say they trust their favorite news source more than they trust President Trump.

Trump's numbers in the Marist poll are not too unlike the results of a Quinnipiac Poll released in September that found that 56 percent of Americans thought him to be unfit to be president.

"There is no upside. With an approval rating rating frozen in the mid-thirties, his character and judgement questioned, President Donald Trump must confront the harsh fact that the majority of American voters feel he is simply unfit to serve in the highest office in the land," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

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