Female Wrestler Grapples Her Way Through Gangland in 'Street Fighting Woman'


S.J. Thompson's "Street Fighting Woman" takes one female wrestler who moonlights as a bodyguard, and follows her on an escorting job that will soon shroud her in fierce gang warfare. Set in the 1920s, Thompson's book is heavily inspired by the real-world history of women's wrestling. It's a novel one critic recently called a "hallucinogenic trip through the countryside!"

"I had no idea just how popular women's wresting was in the early 20th century," admits Thompson. "I felt I had a duty to both honor and share the forgotten history of such an amazing sport and, after fusing fact with imagination, this novel hit the shelves!"

As a renowned writer of comic stories, Thompson has a flair for uncovering the unexpected. While researching one assignment, however, he found himself trapped in the sheer fascination and power of the nation's bygone affiliation with women's wrestling.

A true writer at heart, it's not surprising that Thompson used all he learned to craft yet another epic masterpiece. "Street Fighting Woman" brings together a punch-packing narrative and stunning imagery to produce what could just be the most unique and unconventional comic story of 2016.

In the novel, Betty Pypefish is the top wrestler in the country, an American hiding in London. When Betty needs more money, she takes a job as a bodyguard for a London gangster. Betty is drawn into an underground war between two factions and is soon pursued through the English countryside by an increasingly bizarre mob.

Can life working for the criminal underworld match the pulp novels she enjoys? Will her past catch up with her when American friends come calling for the debt she owes? Can she keep Lillian alive long enough to collect the reward?

The tale hurtles forward at incredible speed as Betty fights her way through a tangled web armed only with her toughness, stubbornness, and the redoubtable Jelly.

Said Thompson, "It's real wrestling; tough, solid women throwing real punches for the benefit of paying circus crowds. When you think of it, the sport is the perfect backdrop for a wholly-unique book. And with the sport having such a vast history, there's more books in the works."

"Street Fighting Woman" is available at http://amzn.to/2cnahFI


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