Could Trump Get the Gay Vote? Log Cabin Leader Praises Frontrunner


He's loud, brash, rude, attention-hungry and widely viewed as a bully and a bigot. His far right wing rhetoric on African American crime statistics, Muslim immigration and Mexicans in general have deservedly branded him the Archie Bunker of American politics. But where is Donald Trump on LGBT issues? You'll be surprised.

In a recent blog piece on Reuters, Jonathan Jacob Allen explored the paradox of Trump's campaign, which has offended almost every minority group in the country except gay people. In a year where his fellow GOP hopefuls practically jostled for position to see who could get in the most photos with defiant Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis, Trump has openly criticized the civil servant for not doing her job. Allen notes Trump, along with rival Chris Christie, are the only two in the crowded field of hopefuls who the Human Rights Campaign is even lukewarm on in regards to their LGBT rights records.

None of this has missed the eye of Gregory T. Angelo, head of the conservative gay group Log Cabin Republicans, who didn't shy away from using superlatives when asked about The Donald.

"He is one of the best, if not the best, pro-gay Republican candidates ever to run for the presidency," Angelo said.

Angelo also praised the billionaire for his neutral stance on same-sex marriage. This, of course is feint praise in a year where every GOP primary candidate has at least gone on the record as opposing the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage. Several of the more conservative candidates, which include long-shots Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee along with serious contenders Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio, have even pledged to make it a priority if elected to dismantle it altogether. For the record, the thrice married Trump sill believes marriage is an institution between one man and one woman.

As for Trump's views on non-discrimination legislation, Angelo lauded the candidate for having a "stand-out position" on the issue. Ironically, the Equality Act, which was introduced into congress in 2015 and did not receive the support of a single Republican lawmaker, has not received the support of Angelo and hasn't been embraced by Trump either.

Whether a mutual admiration society of sorts will exist between Trump and Angelo's Log Cabin Republicans remains to be seen. Angelo and his group asked for an audience with Trump in January. Angelo promised Trump's record on other issues that have polarized the voting populace "is something that should at least come into discussion."

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