Las Vegas Museum Offers Monica Lewinsky $1M for Blue Dress


In a May 2014 article for Vanity Fair, Monica Lewinsky broke a 10 year silence and wrote about her affair with President Bill Clinton: "It's time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress," she wrote.

A year later, Lewinsky may be thankful that she didn't take her own advice. According to the New York Daily News, the Las Vegas Erotic Heritage Museum has offered to pay the former White House intern $1 million dollars for the semen-stained blue dress that she bought at the Gap for approximately $40.

If sold, the dress will be part of an exhibit "examining the private relationships of people in power, gender dynamics (and) politics." The exhibit will also feature "items of an intimate nature" belonging to Gennifer Flowers, an actress who allegedly had an affair with Clinton.

Lewinsky reportedly has not responded to the museum's offer.

During the Clinton administration, Lewinsky confided in a co-worker named Linda Tripp about her alleged relationship with the president. Tripp convinced Lewinsky not to dry clean the now famous blue dress that had a semen stain from Clinton.

Lewinsky accepting the museum's offer seems doubtful, however.

"I turned down offers that would have earned me more than $10 million, because they didn't feel like the right thing to do," she said in Vanity Fair.


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