7 Tips for Protecting Your Skin While You Sleep


We all know that if we don't get a good night's sleep we can be grouchy in the morning, but did you know that your sleep can also affect your skin? ??"Your skin goes through a lot of damage during the day, especially from the sun, so nighttime is when your body has a chance to repair damaged cells and recover," says Kelly Mack, licensed esthetician and owner of Absolute Precision Skin Care in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood. "The less sleep you get, the less your skin can repair itself, which can lead to accelerated signs of aging."

The most important thing, of course, is to get a full seven to eight hours of sleep every night to maximize our deep REM sleep. But what else can we do at night to make sure our face looks as glowing in the morning?

Kelly Mack offers EDGE readers seven tips for protecting your skin while you sleep:??

1. Wash your face before you go to bed.
?Whether you wear make-up during the day or not, it's important to cleanse your face before you go to bed to remove the dirt, oil and pollution that accumulates during the day that causes clogged pores, which can lead to breakouts and increased signs of aging. Make sure to wash your face with lukewarm to slightly cold water instead of hot, which can dry out your skin.

3. Be gentle on your skin.
?Cleansing your skin is good, but don't rub it too hard with a loofa or any other harsh substances. That can lead to broken blood vessels and increased dark circles - a definite no-no.

4. Use a night-specific moisturizer.
?It may seem like all moisturizers are the same, but ones that are specifically labeled for nighttime use are the best because they are designed to help with cell turnover and repair. Look for ingredients such as retinol, which helps with cell turnover, and antioxidants, which help fight aging.

5. Keep your hair away from your face?.
Washing your face doesn't do much good if it's going to be covered up by your dirty hair. Wear your hair in a ponytail or put on a headband so your hair's natural oils don't rub on your skin.

5. Use clean pillowcases?.
Make sure your pillowcase isn't adding to the dirty and oil on your skin. Wash your pillowcase once or twice a week, and try sleeping on a smooth silk or satin pillowcase instead of cotton, which can be rougher on your skin.

6. Sleep on your back.
?Nobody likes waking up with lines on their face from their pillows. But those creases are more than just embarrassing. Over time, creating those creases in your face can cause a breakdown in collagen, which can lead to a loss of elasticity and more permanent wrinkles. So if you can, try to sleep on your back or use a neck rest to keep your head from turning.

7. Drink a lot of water.
?Not getting enough hydration before you go to sleep can result in puffiness, dryness, and wrinkles the next day. So make sure you drink water throughout to keep your skin glowing.?

?Absolute Precision Skin Care is an upscale skin care clinic located in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood.


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